Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Class Picnic

Today I went on the class picnic. It was a bunch of fun! We played on a little playground (Yes little, like pre-school little). My friends and I taught a little girl (Sibling) how to play volleyball. We taught her how to bump, set, and emergency hit. She was really good at learning the hits and all. I asked her which one is her favorite and she said "Set". I tried to get her to do a bump, but she said, "No I set"! Well okay then! You can set! She got kinda tired and left. So we started a new game called Nature Volleyball. You pick a nature name, (I was soil) and when the ball comes to you, you yell your name! It is pretty fun! Well That's really all I have to share!

And BTW, tomorrow is my doctors appointment! PRAY FOR ME!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...