Friday, January 23, 2009

He Leaves On Friday! HINT HINT

Ok so I am sooooo happy its FRIDAY! So I was wacthing ICarly the other day and it had a pop quiz/hard question that I want to throw at you! Are you ready? Ok so a cowboy rides into town on Friday and stays for 3 whole days and leaves on Friday, how did he do it? I want to know! Well I know how but I want to see if you lazy bumbs, I mean readers of my blog know the answer. Old people get your kids, old people I mean the ages of 20-google and 1! And little people I will help you! Listen!!! GO ON ICARLY DOT COM! And the first one to comment with the right answer first I will write a whole bost on you! So CYA


grandma w. said...

Hi Tay, I did not figure this out. DUH!!! But Pop said to tell you that the name of the horse was Friday and he did not need the help of a little kid either. Love, Grandma and Pop

bay said...

the horses name is friday, duh it was on icarly and pop said it.